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Our Website Design Process: An Infographic

The 3Ds of our website design process

The website design process has many steps and 3 key milestones. When we follow this framework, projects run smoother and get done faster.  This infographic shows the steps we take, how we build a website and the 3D’s that get the job done for our clients.

We call it our “Hole in the Wall” process, because it breaks through the 3 barriers to sales:
“I don’t know you.”
“I don’t like you.”
“I don’t trust you.”

You have a lot at stake when visitors view your website. Your reputation and revenue are on the line. Every day.

If you want to see what our design presentations look like, give us a call. We’ll show you why our work is different than most agencies, and why our clients love us.

Read more about how storytelling humanizes companies


The process of designing a website, brochure, mobile app, or any other project often gets bogged down because there is no structure to the work process. We know how things can get out of hand, especially in larger projects, and lead to disappointment for us and for the client. Lack of consensus on the client’s team, waiting for finished copy and getting approvals are 3 of the main reasons things get messy.

We aim to keep things moving so that we all love the finished product and there are no surprises in the cost. But it takes both of us working together to make that happen.

If you are looking to build a new website or redesign your current one, let’s talk. We can do a brand audit, SEO audit, and needs assessment to give you a website that will build love for your brand, by both your audience and the search engines. We’ll be there for you in the future to take things up a notch, while many agencies are not.

We use the latest technology to make your site mobile responsive and content-managed. Your site needs promotion, and we handle that too.

A website redesign doesn’t have to be painful or cost a fortune.

See what our clients have to say about us. We love them, too.

Browse our design work